This Spinalator Table Gearbox works for BOTH the Spinalator Travel Gearbox or Roller Rotation Gearbox on the OLDER style Spinalator IST Tables.
This Spinalator Table Gearbox is a Medium to hard replacement process as the Motor and Spinalator Table Gearbox are pressed together and may require a gear puller to separate.
Unit is Normally a 3 Week Build Time
Spinalator Table Roller Rotation Gearbox, Spinalator Table Gear Box, replacement Spinalator Table Gear box, Spinalator Table boston Gear box, Spinalator Table Gear box for sale, Spinalator roller rotation Gear box, Spinalator IST Table Boston Gear box, Spinalator IST Table Gear box for sale, gearbox, spinalator gearbox , spinalator gearbox for sale